Poppy Looking To Repeat The Cup Success For Ruth

History can repeat in Saturday’s Group 2 LADbrokes Gold Cup at Bulli.

The $40,000 to-the-winner sprint is a contest of some depth with the brilliant Barcia Blue Boy qualifying quickest in a career best 25.90 seconds yet he will need to bring his A game - and then some - to secure career win eight at start 11.

Standing directly in his way is Karina Britton’s AD Astra (box one) and Ruth Matic’s speedster Poppy Jack (six).

All three have endured lower leg issues yet, collectively, the trio boasts a winning strike rate of 66 per cent (33 wins from 50 starts) with Poppy Jack looking to extend his unbeaten run to seven.

“He’s always been a very fast dog yet he hAD tibia soreness and a youngster and then metacarpal issues cropped up,” trainer Ruth Matic said.

After a run, he limps a little but it can be gone by lunchtime the next day. When it lasts longer than a day or so, we know it’s time for a break yet, fortunately, he’s holding up well now.”

Following his near record 22.04 secs win over 400m at Bulli on January 12, the handsome white and brindle dog needed time off and Saturday’s 25.94 secs heat win was his outing at Bulli over the testing 472m.

“The rain which came before the heats was a real plus for Poppy Jack … the softer the track is for him, the better,” Matic ADded.

“There’s a lot of pace to his inside so he’ll need to nail the start and get a clear run to the first turn. He’s at his best on the inside but he’s not desperate to get there.

“We won the Gold Cup at Bulli in 2016 with Black Bear Lee and, ironically, both dogs are owned and bred by Graham Ganderton.

“They’re different sorts of dogs and impossible to compare but Poppy Jack has more pace but certainly not more ability.”

While Poppy Jack faces a stern test of speed and will, the presence of AD Astra also holds interest for the Canyonleigh-based trainer.

“We reared Wow and AD Astra here following Karina’s step-dAD’s passing and their success gives us a lot of joy.

“My daughter (Danielle) strapped and caught AD Astra last week as Karina was at The ADows">MeADows with Wow and she’s going to miss Bulli again.”

Wow contests the Australian Cup heats at The MeADows. He secured the Group 1 Temlee in powerful fashion (from box five) against the best sprinters in the land and exits four alley this week. 

On January 13, AD Astra’s Bulli Gold Cup heat and Wow’s Temlee appointment all-but clashed yet, this time, with a full hour between races, Karina Britton has time to take it all in.