By Greyhound Racing NSW

Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) and the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission (GWIC) can announce today that the Lismore racetrack has been included in the Northern Rivers regional zone, and will host its first race meeting next Tuesday, April 14.

After consultation between GRNSW and GWIC, it was agreed that Lismore could be added to the Northern Rivers zone, alongside Grafton, to help cater for those trainers and greyhounds residing closer to the NSW and Queensland border.

Lismore has now been included on the regional zoning racing schedule for the next two Tuesdays which will complete the first month of that new schedule.

The change occurs as a result of continued work with GWIC to facilitate the meeting, and GRNSW wishes to thank GWIC for their cooperation in enabling this change to be made.

Since the COVID-19 racing schedule was put in place just under two weeks ago, GRNSW has stated the schedule will continue to be monitored and changes will be made where possible, appropriate and where they are required.

The program for the Lismore meeting will be updated shortly on Nominations for the meeting, which will be a night race meeting, will close at 9am on Thursday, April 9.