Good Odds Harada back to the racetrack

By Michael Cowley

The 2019 TAB Million Dollar Chase winner Good Odds Harada has returned to the track and is likely to be set for the upcoming Golden Easter Egg series.

Owner Tracey Hurst confirmed today that Good Odds Harada will now be trained by leading mentor Jason Magri, and it will be Magri who will make the decision if Good Odds Harada is ready to contest the series.

It was announced last month that Good Odds Harada would be taking a break from racing and serving some bitches but the intention was always to bring him back to the track and racing.

Tracey’s husband Frank who trained the dog, was badly injured in a racetrack accident last week at Richmond, and as a result has broken his collarbone and requires surgery on his elbow next week.

“He broke both his arms, and he has to have an elbow operation next Tuesday on one arm, and the other, he needs a plate put into his arm, and a plate in his collarbone,” Tracey explained. “Tuesday can’t come quick enough for us.”

As a result of the injuries, Frank and Tracey realised they wouldn’t be able to continue the training of their team, so have sent both Good Odds Harada and his brother Good Odds BUDDY to close friend Magri, who is having a purple patch of form at present.

“It was always going to be the plan for Good Odds Harada to be back racing,” Tracey said. “He was never going to stud permanently. He needed a break and while he was having a break Frank thought he’d get some semen out for the future.

Because of what’s happened now, we can’t give him the attention he needs, so he and BUDDY have gone to Jason Magri and Luke Adams.

Frank is very close to those two guys and has so much confidence in them and trusts them 100 percent, so he’s comfortable with that decision he’s made.

“I really haven’t spoken to Jason much about the Easter Egg. Whatever Jason decides to do and however he thinks the dogs are progressing, that is upto Jason.

“He has 100 per cent control and we trust him completely. We know he’ll do what is best for them and if he thinks he’s ready, he’ll put him in, and if he doesn’t, he won’t.”

Tracey also confirmed that Good Odds Harada had actually just been slipped by Frank prior to the accident which saw a young dog knock Frank off his feet, causing the awful injuries.