NSW Straight Sprint Championship
06 Aug
20 Aug
Richmond Straight
Avg race time17.77
Avg 1st section7.08
In 2022 the NSW Straight Track Championship final was a Darren Sultana affair with the local trainer qualifying two dogs for the National Straight Track Final.

The National Final would held on Sultana’s ‘home’ track at Richmond and not only did he qualify both Extra Specialism and Mr America, but the pair drew boxes one and two respectively.

Extra Specialism used his box 1 draw in the NSW final to stick to the rail, take the lead, and stay out of trouble while others, including favourite Sacred Stance, were finding drama behind him.

Mr America was desperate to get to the fence and while he was checked early, he managed to get to the rail and charged at his kennelmate, missing by just a neck, the winner posting 17.64s.