Vale - Jack Sommerville

Described as a man who “had the greyhound industry at heart,” Northern Rivers’ veterinarian Jack Sommerville passed away on Wednesday evening.

Jack was the on-track vet for several decades at Grafton, Lismore and Casino, and serviced greyhound participants right across the Northern Rivers.

“I’ve known Jack for the 42 years I’ve here at Grafton, and he was a wonderful man who would do anything for you,” Grafton Greyhound Club President John Corrigan said.

“His practice was on his property at Lismore but he looked after everyone from Coffs Harbour to the Queensland border. 

“He would also come to Grafton every month if you had a litter to be vaccinated, but he would also happily drive all around the place to help out participants.

“Jack loved talking to people, and he always had the greyhound industry at heart.

“He was your typical bushie and wonderful bloke.”

Greyhound Racing NSW extends its sincere condolences to Jack’s family and many friends within and outside the greyhound industry.