‘Wouldn't Be Here': Snap Action Saves Trainer's Life

By Adam Dobbin - The Greyhound Recorder
Greg Corless knows if not for the swift and decisive action of Greyhound Welfare & Integrity Commission (GWIC) stewards Emma Mackenzie and Martin Wright he wouldn't be here today.

On Friday night at Wentworth Park, Corless, who trains in partnership with son Tayt, should have been on top of the world after their classy chaser Coco Model trounced her rivals at her resumption to racing in the last event on the program.

But ecstasy soon turned to distress for the 69-year-old who went into cardiac arrest just moments after the staging of the race.

"They told me my heart stopped for almost 14 minutes," a thankful Corless said on Tuesday from his hospital bed.

"I remember her (Coco Model) jumping to the front and thinking she'd be hard to beat and then after getting a few congratulations when she won the next thing I remember is waking up in the back of an ambulance.

"It really is a miracle I'm still here. I've got a lot of people to thank and when I'm back up and about I'll be making sure I do just that."

Upon leaving Wentworth Park en route to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, paramedics officers were resolute that if not for the CPR performed by Emma Mackenzie, Corless wouldn't have survived the ordeal.

And it is that quick-thinking and calm response that has seen the NSW GBOTA write to GWIC with a commendation for exceptional staff performance by both Mackenzie and Wright.

Coco Model winning on Friday night.

"In recognition of their outstanding performance, we recommend that Emma and Martin be formally acknowledged and rewarded for their exceptional work," GBOTA CEO Daniel Weizman, who played a vital role in providing CPR also, putting his 37 years experience as a surf life saver into practice, said.

"Their actions exemplify the high standards of professionalism and care with their actions undoubtedly contributing to saving Greg's life."

It is a recommendation supported by Corless.

"Emma broke half my ribs saving my life but I suppose I can forgive her for that," Greg said tongue in cheek.

"I really can't thank everyone enough including Minnie (Finn) who took Coco Model and my van home for us. This sport really comes together in times of crisis and everyone's well wishes mean a lot.

“I will find a way to thank Emma and Martin that is for sure.”

While Tayt is overseas and Greg is resting up in hospital, the Corless kennel kas kept on keeping on, with Corless Insane winning at Richmond on Sunday to follow on from Coco Model's slashing win on Friday night.

"And we've got one in today (Corless Nelson) at Richmond as well," he added.

"I've been organising things here from the hospital. I could be in here for a bit yet."

We wish Greg Corless a speedy recovery!