Successful Conference For Curators

Greyhound Racing NSW this week hosted its annual Curator’s Conference at Ladbrokes Gardens in Newcastle, with curators from around the State in attendance.

The two-day conference is held annually to update curators on the latest technology, training and information available, to help them maintain their respective venues at an elite standard.

“We hold these conferences with curators annually to share knowledge and update everyone on anything new to the industry which can help with their work,” Deputy Chief Executive Wayne Billett said. 

“It’s also a way to continue the learning and training of everyone’s skill set. We require a really professional approach to our tracks and having conferences like this goes a long way to ensuring that happens. 

“It was great turnout this year with curators and club staff from all around the state attending and we also had representatives from industry partners Covey and Associates, Steriline, and Epar Connect speak to attendees about their specific fields.

“For the first time ever we also had a couple of greyhound trainers attend - Mark Davidson and Bryan Young – who came along and gave us their perspective and their views about tracks and injuries, what they like about tracks, and what they don’t like, and I feel that was a very good, beneficial session for everyone.”

While all speakers were well received, the highlight for most was the session on day one where the conference heard from former Newcastle Knights star Mark Hughes, a brain cancer survivor who started the Mark Hughes Foundation to raise money for research, and to fight brain cancer.