She's A Pearl Out Of Southern Stars Series

By TheDogs News Desk
Superstar sprinter She’s A Pearl has been scratched from Friday’s heats of the GRNSW Southern Stars at Goulburn.

Trainer Andy Lord confirmed on Thursday that the Million Dollar Chase winner who was due to have her first start since winning that event in May, has suffered a minor injury but it is enough to keep her out of the inaugural Southern Stars series.

“She has a little tear in the bottom of her hip support, and it is enough to scratch her anyway,” Andy said.

“It’s nothing major and I’ll fix it in a couple of weeks, but it’s just disappointing.

“She’s been eight weeks off having a season, and when bitches come off a season they get a bit soft. It doesn’t matter how much work you give them.

“When I put her up the straight the other day, she seemed to go good, but towards the end I could see her go a bit scratchy.

“I checked her right over and she was sore in a couple of little spots and I said to JODIE: “we’ll have them right by Friday and we’ll check her Thursday afternoon”.

“But I must have missed it because right down the bottom there is this little tiny tear there. But like I said we’ll get that right and move on to the next target.”

That next target will be the National titles with heats of the NSW championships on August 6 at Wentworth Park, followed by her defence of the TAB Million Dollar Chase title in September.