Opportunity From Great Adversity

By Simon Orchard
Blake Gatt celebrated his 30th birthday last week – a momentous occasion for anyone, but for the young greyhound trainer and owner even far more significant considering 10 years ago it looked like he may not survive the night.

A freak accident in a suburban backyard in Wollongong changed the Dapto local’s life forever.

“I was just at a mate’s house for a barbeque and unfortunately my best mate’s dad’s [skid-steer loader] tipped over and I happened to be in the wrong sport at the wrong time,” Gatt said.

The skid-steer loader fell on Gatt, the weight of the machine crushing the C4 and C5 vertebrae in his back, leaving him a quadriplegic.

“Early on it was tough, you know, learning a whole new way of life, learning to basically live again. It was very hard,” Gatt said.

But from great adversity, comes great opportunity.

Gatt had always been a keen greyhound enthusiast, with a big win on the punt the catalyst to embark on a new challenge with dad Gary Eslick.

The pair joined forces to train and race dogs, with Eslick admitting he was a bit slow out of the boxes in the early months.  

“He [Blake] chucked me into the deep end one day, and we’re up to year six or something now,” Eslick said. 

“I wasn’t really thinking about greyhounds. We used to go fishing a lot early days, so it’s just been good, keeps us together. Gives us something to talk about.” 

The arrangement was simple. Eslick would do the physical training and race day duties, with Gatt providing insights and advice from the sidelines.

A dog by the name of Mcdiesel was their first purchase, and with his second start at Nowra he produced the pair’s first ever winner.

“I still remember that day coming back from the 365m box. Everyone at the track knew it was his [Blake’s] dog and there must have been 20 people around him congratulating him, that’s what it’s all about,’ Eslick said. 

The new venture has also strengthened the father-son bond and is helping them both overcome the tragic events of a decade ago. 

“We’ll talk about what races are coming up. Whether we want to trial on a slip track or trial them on the track … I trialled a dog this morning and straight away I came home and showed him the trial ticket so we talk about that. We’re always discussing things,” Eslick said.

The likes of free-for-all bitch Mac Olga, Perfect Everest and Charging Tracy are now the kennel’s pride and joy, with Gatt relishing his role in the chasing industry. 

“I think it’s just a great opportunity. Your dogs become your companions, you surround yourself with good people, it’s just a good sport really. The time I spend on form or the time I spend looking at races, when your dog wins a race you set it for, it’s very satisfying,” Gatt said.

“It just gives me something to work for in life so it’s not all doom and gloom. You’ve got something to wake up for every morning basically,” Gatt said.