Fernando Hunter Salutes in Last to First win

By Jeff Collerson
FOUR greyhounds clocked faster time but Fernando Hunter's stunning last-to-first win was arguably the highlight of Saturday night's Wentworth Park card.

The Darryl Thomas-trained Fernando Hunter, who is owned by crack jockey Brenton Avdulla, bungled the start and overcame a severe mid-race bump to win a 520m fifth grade in 29.94.

It was Fernando Hunter's 10th win in 18 starts but after the race Thomas was left in a quandary about his greyhound's box manners.

"He has jumped well just twice in his career and nowadays he just never begins,'' Thomas said.

"It is doing my head in because no matter what I do Fernando Hunter always seems to miss the kick.

"The only thing that encourages me about Fernando Hunter is that I think he is taking to Wentworth Park and that he is such a fierce chaser.

"In his previous six WP races he has been a bit 'funny' about the track but tonight he actually pulled me towards the starting boxes so he might be taking to the place.

"And when he took off near the home bend and charged between the two pacemakers, I heard a thump as he pushed them out of the way to get to the front.

Fastest time of the night honours went to the JODIE Lord-trained Tiger Jack, a certainty beaten when third at WP last Wednesday.

On Saturday Tiger Jack got away well and after being second to the catching pen, took the lead on the back straight before careering away to score by just over four lengths in a blistering 29.62.

His run home figures were even more exciting, as he powered to the line in a rarely equalled 11.55.

Wow, who made the pace when second in Jungle Deuce's Ladbrokes Paws Of Thunder at WP on January 22, produced a heroic performance to win Saturday's top grade 520m race in 29.71.

Wow began well but after being third at the first turn was caught up in traffic and showed great tenacity to sweep around the pacemakers and reach the lead on the back straight.

Dapto Megastar winner Ritza Donna looked an ominous threat when she ranged up along the rails approaching the home bend, with Wow out in the middle of the course.

But the Danielle Matic-trained Wow finished resolutely to win by a length from the Mark Gatt-trained Ritza Donna.

Danielle Matic's mother Ruth said later: "Coast Model ran a first split of 5.36 so it was no surprise Wow didn't lead at the first turn.

"Through no fault of his own Wow found himself in an awkward position going through the catching pen and that gave us some anxious moments but at the end it was a really tough win.''

Fantastic Raven, a new addition to the Jason Mackay kennels, gave favourite backers a happy result in the final race, leading all the way in 29.72 after clocking brilliant early sections of 5.38 and 13.76.

The other greyhound to break 30sec was the Geoge Borg-prepared Murray's Way, who led throughout in a 520m fifth grade in 29.93.

"She is a litter sister to David Smith's outstanding middle and long distance bitch Ice Cream Story and I had been expecting Murray's Way to develop into a handy middle distance performer too,'' George Borg said later.

"But she finished down the course in a 618m race at Richmond on January 7 so now I believe 520m at WP will be her preferred distance.

"Box one and a good getaway helped Murray's Way tonight but she put the time on the board so I will keep bringing her back to Wenty.''