The Phoenix

Done .... And Now For A Shot At $50,000

By Adam Dobbin - Daily Telegraph
Cath Barrett said utter shock was her overriding emotion when told she was the winner of Greyhound Racing NSW’s “The People’s Pup” competition on Monday afternoon.
“I was totally speechless when I got the call from GRNSW,” Barrett said.
“I’ve never won a thing in my life. Not even an argument!”
Barrett was one of over 5000 entries in The People’s Pup competition that decided which greyhound would represent the GRNSW slot in The TAB Phoenix at The Meadows on December 18.
It means Barrett is now in line to win up to $50,000 in cash prizes depending on where Jungle Deuce (pictured), her selection in the competition, finishes in the race.
Only adding to the interest is that Barrett is the cousin of Jungle Deuce’s trainer Jack Smith and resides in the recently flood-stricken town of FORBES also.
“I entered the competition after seeing a request from the Smiths on Facebook,” Barrett said.
“I actually replied 'done' on the post but I guess now proves I actually went through and did it.
Whatever happens from here is a bonus. I didn’t enter thinking I could ever win anything, just to help.
“The support locally during the competition for Jack and Jungle Deuce has been great so to be a part of it now even more is exciting.”

Part of winning the competition means the opportunity to be trackside on December 18 for The Phoenix.
“That will depend on how things are at home (with the floods),” she added.
“Touch wood I can. We’ll see what happens. But Whatever the case I’ll be cheering nice and loud. I would have been anyway.”