Additional Prizemoney Kicks In From December 1

Tomorrow not only signals the first day of the final month of a tumultuous year, but December 1 is also very significant for greyhound racing participants in NSW.

Tomorrow will see the latest round of prizemoney increases in NSW, with an additional $800 being added to provincial events of 440m+, fifth grade and above, across the State.

It was only earlier this month when prizemoney for provincial maiden events increased by $440 per race, and Tomorrow’s increase is just the latest from Greyhound Racing NSW as part of the record $47 million which will be returned to participants in 2021-22.

From Tomorrow, a provincial 440m + fifth grade event will carry prizemoney of $3,110 up from $2,310, with the winner now receiving $2,000, an increase of $500.

Fourth grade provincial events of 440m + will also be total prizemoney of $3,290 up from $2,490, with the winner now receiving $2,100, an increase of $500.

The new numbers for provincial Non Grade 440m + events sees overall prizemoney rise from $2,630 to $3,430, with winners now receiving $2,200, again an increase of $500.

Further announcements around more dispersal of prizemoney will be made in coming months.

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