By GRNSW Newsdesk
I am sure many of you will remember that soon after the outbreak of COVID-19 in March 2020, during those trying and confusing times, we initiated the CEO’s Question and Answer Column, where each day I would respond to questions from participants on pertinent matters both on and off the track.

The reasoning behind the column back then - and it ran for around the first two months of the pandemic - was that COVID-19 was a constantly evolving and new situation, and at Greyhound Racing NSW we believed communication was vital and it was imperative to keep all participants up to date with all the news involving the industry.

The feedback we received from having that regular information across our channels was very positive, and with the introduction of the latest lockdown to the Greater Sydney and surrounding areas over the weekend, we have decided to reintroduce the Q & A column.
It will operate as it did previously, with any participants with questions pertaining to the current COVID-19 situation and the lockdown, to email us at the following address:

As the case was in 2020, if there are any significant developments or announcements, they will be published in media releases across our GRNSW network as required, but the aim of this column is to answer any specific or generic questions participants may have.

Here are some of the questions our teams at GRNSW have been asked since the lockdown commenced on Saturday.

1. Q: I live right on the edge of the lockdown region, am I able decide to lock myself down and then race at Wentworth Park?
A: No, you cannot. When we split the State into regions back in 2020 there was some confusion over borders and if you recall we told those participants on those border that they needed to “pick and stick” to a region. This however is very different and is in fact clearer than before. It comes down to this: If you are designated to be in lockdown by the NSW Government and NSW Health, then you are in Zone 1. If you are not designated to be in lockdown, you are in Zone 2 and race at those tracks. You cannot self-lockdown to race in a different region.

If you are uncertain about your lockdown situation, an interactive map of the lockdown area can be found here:

2. Q: Hi Tony, thanks again for this forum. I was wondering is it possible for trainers in Zone 2 - outside of the lockdown - to go to Richmond and have Matt Kwong check our dogs and pick up their meat and kibble?
A: No it is not possible. We have doubled checked with NSW Health around this question, and the information given to us is that if you do enter the locked down area from a non-locked down area, then you must self-quarantine - when you return home - for 14 days.

3. Q: Tony why are people allowed to leave their homes inside the lockdown area to race?
A: Under the regulations issued by the NSW Government going into the lockdown, like many other workers, our participants are permitted to leave home to work.

4. Q: Tony I see that you have tried to look after those outside of the city zone by offering some city prizemoney at some outer zone tracks, but what if the lockdown continues?
A: As I regularly say this is a constantly moving situation and we will deal with what is put in front of us. At the moment the lockdown is until midnight on Friday, July 9. Hopefully we can get back to some sort of normality after that, but if not then we will again formulate a plan which will no doubt include similar measures to what we have done with spreading city prizemoney in this initial stage.

5. Q: Who exactly is allowed to attend race meetings inside Zone 1? I have heard different answers to this question and wanted to get a definitive one from you. Thanks
A: Inside of Zone 1 – the locked down area – those who can attend a meeting are trainers with dogs engaged, their handlers and  catchers who are appropriately licenced, and essential race meeting staff only. You can take more than one catcher/handler if you require to do so, but we request that everyone uses the absolute minimum number of people required, so we have as few people on track as necessary.

6. Q: Tony, the Million Dollar Chase is not that far away now, have you thought about what happens if there is a lockdown when it starts.
A: Like I said earlier, the situation is constantly evolving and we can only manage what is in front of us right now. We have thought about the prospect of something like this being in place when the TAB Million Dollar Chase commences in August, but there is really no point in discussing that right now. Right now is about getting through these next two weeks, and that is why we have put in place the zoning so that everyone is able to continue to race and earn a living.

7. Q: Hi Tony, keep up the good work. Last year we lost so many of our feature races due to COVID. I see already we have lost the Peter Mosman and Vic Peters. Will other feature races be in danger too?
A: Last year was a different circumstance. We have postponed the Group 1 Vic Peters Classic and the Group 1 Peter Mosman Opal, but we fully intend on slotting them back into the racing calendar. We will work on that when we come out of this current situation and when everyone is able to compete in those   events.

8. Q: You stated in your first press release that Wentworth Park 30/6/2021 was to be transferred to Bulli yet you have drawn fields for Wentworth Park. I have a dog that I had intended to nominate for this meeting in a 1-2 wins race. How about you people let everyone know?
A: You are correct that we stated this initially when only Wentworth Park was impacted as it was in the Greater Sydney Area, and locked down. You will also recall that we mentioned that the Wentworth Park meetings for next Saturday and the following Saturday were to be shifted to Gosford. This was prior to the NSW Premier announcing the extended lockdown last Saturday. The lockdown area was widened, and we moved into two distinct Zones. The racing calendar as a result has now not changed, only the participants able to race at those meetings has altered. Apologies for any confusion, but as circumstances change we have to adapt too, and we have tried to do that as best as possible.

Good luck to all of those participants racing this week, and like I mentioned when this column was running last year, these will continue to be difficult times for all, and as an industry, we are all in it together, so I urge you to pick up the phone and call a fellow participant to make sure they are doing ok.

Do not forget if you are struggling with the circumstance at the moment, and you want to talk to someone, please do not hesitate to call and speak with a qualified counsellor at any time by calling 1300 687 327.

Everyone please stay vigilant and adhere to all the restrictions and precautions put in place by the NSW Government and NSW Health, and please keep yourselves and your families safe.

Tony Mestrov.