Changes To GRNSW Grading Policy

From today, Sunday, January 24, Greyhound Racing NSW will implement some changes to the GRNSW Grading Policy.

GRNSW is constantly assessing the grading policy and determining where and if changes need to be made.

Among the changes which commence are:

* A change to the Dropback Rule, from three (3) unplaced runs to two (2).

* 4th Grade greyhounds now need a minimum of three (3) division and eight (8) total wins to be
drawn in a Free-For-All event, changing from previously being two (2) division and five (5) total wins.

* 4th grade greyhounds now require a minimum of two (2) division and five (5) total wins to be drawn in a Mixed 3rd/4th Grade event. Previously this was two (2) division and four (4) total wins.

* Interstate City Class wins, in a particular distance category, will be calculated as City, Provincial, Country Wins in NSW.

* Interstate Provincial Class wins, in a particular distance category, will be calculated as both Provincial and Country wins in NSW.

Nominations for meetings scheduled for Wednesday onwards this week, will open from 2pm today, 24th January 2021, for this week only.

The full GRNSW Grading Policy can be found here.