The NSW Government has begun undertaking a statutory review of the Greyhound Racing Act 2017, and is asking stakeholders and the community to provide feedback as part of the review.

Greyhound Racing Act 2017 sets out the regulatory framework for greyhound racing in NSW and is administered by the Minister for Better Regulation and INNOVATION. It aims to set the foundations and governance arrangements for a sustainable greyhound racing industry with high standards of animal welfare and integrity.

The Act states a review must be undertaken as soon as possible three years after the date of assent - April 11, 2017 - to determine whether the policy objectives of the Act remain valid and whether the terms of the Act remain appropriate to achieve those objectives.

You are invited to share your views on the effectiveness of the Act and changes you have seen in the industry since 2017 by Wednesday 26 August 2020. 


There are a number of options for providing feedback:
• complete a short survey which can be found here.
• complete a detailed survey which can be found here.
• You can email:
• Or you can mail: Office of Racing | Greyhound Racing Act 2017 Review | GPO Box 7060 | Sydney NSW 2001

Once the consultation period is closed:
• all comments, feedback and submissions will be considered
• a report on the statutory review and its findings will be submitted to the Minister for consideration
• the final report will be tabled in each House of Parliament by April 9, 2021.

For full details of the review please follow this link.