It's Hard Not To Scream When You See a Flying Redback

By Michael Cowley
Who doesn’t love to let out a raucous cheer when the dog they have backed salutes? It’s often even louder when you’re an owner, but for the owner of the first winner at Casino on Thursday, who was fortunate to be on track, there was no hint of excitement. 

Redback Sam led most of the way to easily win the maiden event over 411m, with the racecaller Mark Arandale punctuating the performance by simply saying: “Close to home, and Redback Sam is too strong.” 

It was a very controlled race call, considering Mark is one of 11 owners in the syndicate which races Redback Sam

“I was just trying to concentrate, and take my focus off my dog,” said the man who is the voice of greyhound racing in the Northern Rivers. 

“I’ve been pretty lucky to have called a few of my dogs over the years when they have won … not that we get a heap of winners, but I have called some winning a few times.”

Mark and his 10 cricketing mates make up the Blown Motor Racing Syndicate who have successfully raced dogs for 13 years now. 

They also have Redback Sam’s litter sister Redback Katie, who had no luck at the same venue on Thursday. She won her maiden back in January at Casino and added a fifth grade success soon after. 

The Barcia Bale - Palazzo litter also produced another winner at Casino on Thursday with Skintight taking out the second race on the card for local trainer William Gilbert. 

Mark said it has been a long patient road with Redback Sam

“He’s had a few injuries off and on, right through breaking in, and he still is a work in progress,” Mark said. “I think he won’t be a finished product for a fair few starts. 

“His time wasn’t great today but it was just good to see him get on the bunny. 

“He’s still learning what it’s all about. He’s that far behind his sister because he has that many injuries with his shoulder and whatever, but he’ll get there.” 

Among the good dogs Mark and his mates have owned over time are Kidatee Dan who won over 30 races, and Kidatee Bob who won races in town.