GRNSW CEO UPDATE - 30/03/2020

By Greyhound Racing NSW

With the constantly developing issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, Greyhound Racing NSW believes it is crucial to keep all participants up to date on all news involving the industry.

As such, we are encouraging all participants with questions pertaining to the COVID-19 situation, to email us here at GRNSW.

Each day I will do my best to answer questions from participants and publish them across our website and social media platforms.

If you have any questions, please email them to the following address:

Any important developments will also be published in media releases across our GRNSW network as required.

Here’s what our teams at GRNSW are being asked right now, with the responding answers (and please keep in mind that this is both an unprecedented and fast-moving situation).

1. Q: God bless you and all of us Tony, including our beloved dogs. Now Mr Morrison has put a limit on groups to two people conversing together, will the Bathurst meeting (Monday) and other meetings due, and nominations continue?

A: Yes. The information we have received from the government is that we are able to continue racing. We again implore everyone to adhere to these stricter social distancing rules, and do not be in groups bigger than two at the racetrack.

2. Q: Tony, I just wanted to ask why Casino or Lismore didn’t have one meeting a week considering 60 percent of Northern Rivers trainers are around Casino/Lismore and further north to the border.

A: As I have stated regularly in this forum, we will continue to work on solutions for everyone, and we should have an announcement in the very near future about the regions.

3. Q: If there are 2 tracks in the one region, can you race at both tracks?

A: Yes, you can race at any track in your region.

4. Q: Tony, I know there have been some complaining about this and that, but you have been very supportive of our industry and us participants, yet again like you were during the Dapto debacle last year. I am wondering if we may see you on hand giving your support like we did at Dapto?

A: Please know that you have the full support of myself and GRNSW as we all try to navigate through COVID-19 and the unique situation it has put all Australians in. You won’t be seeing me at any venues however, as I too must strictly follow the protocols which have been put in place, but know that we are all with you, and we are all in this together. Stay safe.

5. Q: GWIC currently has the draft Code of Practice on public consultation which will end March 31. Due to the current circumstances, has there been any consideration to extend the timeframe for the consultation period?

A: The Commission announced last week that the public consultation for the draft Code of Practice has been extended for an additional two weeks due to the current COVID-19 situation. Consultation will now close Tuesday April 14, 2020. GWIC is encouraging participants to review the draft Code and make a submission via their website or the NSW Have Your Say website. For more information about the draft Code or to provide your feedback, visit

6. Q: Why were some trainers allowed to have runners at Bulli on Saturday and then Richmond on Sunday?

A: The Bulli meeting was the first drawn on Tuesday morning after we made the changes to the schedule, and this has obviously impacted on those trainers being at that venue. We will be working hard to make sure there are not similar cases moving ahead. We expect to have an announcement out shortly which addresses this, and other anomalies in the original schedule.

7. Q: I have heard that Greyhounds as Pets located at Londonderry and Wyee have still been adopting greyhounds.

A: What you have heard is correct. There has been considerable public interest in adopting and fostering GAP greyhounds with many adoptions occurring over this last weekend with more expected during the week. If you are interested in adopting or fostering you can head to the website

For those of you racing today at Bathurst, good luck and please follow all procedures at the racetrack.

For anyone who may be struggling at the moment and wanting somebody to talk to, you can do something about that. If you do feel the need to talk to someone about your situation, please do not hesitate to call. You can speak with a qualified counsellor at any time by calling 1300 687 327.

Keep your questions coming, and everyone please keep yourselves and your families safe, and importantly be vigilant in these difficult times.

Tony Mestrov.