GWIC registration renewals open 1 June 2019

From 1 June 2019 NSW greyhound racing participants will be able to renew their registrations and will be required to pay registration fees applicable to the registration types they wish to retain.

This year participants will be able to renew their registrations online via the Commission’s website. The online renewal form should make the renewal process more efficient for both participants and the Commission.

Registrations can also be renewed by calling the Customer Service Hotline on 1800 951 755, in person at the Commission’s head office in Bathurst, or at one of the selected tracks Commission staff will be visiting in June.

The Commission will have staff at sixteen clubs across the state in June to assist participants with renewals. The tracks have been selected based on how central they are to participants, and the frequency that participants travel to the track.

Participants can secure a time to renew with GWIC staff before the day by completing the booking sheet available at each club office.

Participants are reminded to bring a debit or credit card to pay for their registrations, as cash or cheque cannot be accepted at the track. They will also need to bring along proof of identity (drivers licence, passport or photo ID card) and their GWIC ID card.

Photos for new GWIC ID Cards will be taken at the track, so participants do not need to bring a photo with them.

The Commission is encouraging all participants to renew their registrations by 30 June 2019 to avoid paying a late fee of $50 per registration type. All participants renewing will not be required to provide a police check or provide accreditation or competency standards.

Registrations that have not been renewed by 31 August 2019 will expire and anyone without a current registration will not be permitted to participate in the industry from 1 September 2019.

During the upcoming registration renewal period, the Commission will extend the hours of the Customer Service Hotline to be available from 8am – 6pm Monday to Friday.