Changes to NSW Grading Policy

GRNSW advises that there will be changes to the current NSW Grading Policy. Listed below are the changes:


  • Change to the criteria of eligibility to compete in 4th/5th grade events. Greyhounds must have at least 3 wins to be eligible (previously 2 wins), with the exception of advertised 4th/5th grade heats.
  • Change to the criteria re grade at a venue. Currently if a greyhound establishes it’s grade (i.e. 5th) at a venue and then competes at other venues and becomes a higher grade greyhound under the policy, however because of the original grade it would be 5th grade. This is removed and the greyhound will now be regraded when it returns to the track.
  • To be eligible to nominate for a TAB maiden event, the greyhound must of finished at least 3rd in a NON TAB maiden event or completed and passed existing Performance Trial criteria to be eligible to nominate.
  • Where Best ‘8’ events are programmed, trainers cannot opt out if their greyhound is eligible to compete.
  • Restriction for greyhounds to have won a minimum of one race over 400m or greater to be eligible for 280m events at Wentworth Park will be removed.
  • Greyhounds Performance trialling up to 439m will only eligible to nominate for maiden events up to 439m. For events in greater distance then a performance trial must be conducted over 440m or greater.


These changes will be effective for Race Meetings drawn from Monday 12th November 2018.


Participants who would like to seek further clarification on potential impacts to their greyhounds grades can contact the grading team on email at or by telephone on Thursday and Fridays after 1.00pm on 1300 664 565.