Longer trip is now Friskey's business

By Jeff Collerson

Friskey confirmed her ranking as Nowra's top short courser with her sixth win in seven starts over the 365m trip on the Pine Bowl circuit on Monday.

Friskey, who finished second at her only other Nowra 365m outing and is usually a brilliant box dog, began moderately against a hot field on Monday but still managed to be the leader at the first turn.

The Andrew Mulrine trained flying machine has now won 14 of her 21 races, and while she has not won beyond 440m she did finish a close second to Champion Model, the Canberra and Goulburn Cups winner, in smart time over 520m at Dapto in May.

"When she chased home Champion Model at Dapto, Friskey was having her first 520m test,'' Mulrine's wife Kim said.

“Andrew reckons the time is right to give Friskey another crack at a longer distance so is nominating her for a 515m race at LADBROKES GARDENS on Friday night.

"Previously Andrew was trialling her between races but this preparation he has been just free galloping her in the paddock and she seems to be responding to that treatment.

"Hopefully Friskey, who is usually a lid pinger, can jump in front and make the pace at LADBROKES GARDENS and get away with a big enough break to see out the 515m.''

Friskey has drawn box seven in race six, a fourth and fifth grade over the 515m.

Friskey's younger sister Eikey showed plenty of her older sibling's early dash when she made her debut on Monday, beginning fast and making the pace before finishing second to Queen Mystique over 365m.

Eikey led to near the home bend where she got wide and was run down by the more experienced Shaun Parnis-trained greyhound, who stopped the clock at 20.63sec, outstanding figures for a maiden sprinter.

Eikey too will race at Labbrokes Gardens, and has drawn the checks in race four, a 400m maiden.


Last year's NSW Sprint Championship winner Bekin Street (pictured) takes the second step in his latest comeback campaign at Maitland on Thursday.

The Christine Proctor trained greyhound has box six in race eight, a 450m fourth and fifth grade event.

Bekin Street resumed from a lengthy spell on the sidelines with an emphatic win over 472m at Bulli on July 7.

Although he clocked a moderate 26.93sec, Bekin Street's run was full of merit as he was last away and was badly checked approaching the first turn.

He flashed home along the rails after being fifth at the halfway mark to win running away.

"I nominated him for Bulli again but unfortunately there was no race for him so I have had to go to Maitland,'' Proctor said.

"He has not been to Maitland before and is badly drawn out wide but at least in recent trials Bekin Street has not been pulling up lame.

"The injury which interrupted his career was torn ligaments on a stopper bone but thankfully he is trialling well again.

"Before he won at Bulli in 26.93 he trialled 26.19 over the 472m there so he is not far below his best.''


Track specialist Fantastic Winnie returns to her favourite course Thursday night's second heat of the Dapto To Wenty series.

The Jason Fletcher-trained greyhound finished second on debut at Dapto before winning her maiden there in top grade time of 29.86 for the 520m.

She came out and won in a slick 29.92 at her next start before having no luck when fifth at Wentworth Park on July 7.

Fantastic Winnie was checked when a prominent third leaving the back straight and looks sure to benefit from the city experience.

The final of the Dapto To Wenty series is scheduled for Wentworth Park next Wednesday night with Fantastic Winnie set to be a short-priced favourite to win her heat on Thursday.