Hot Weather Policy Reminder

By Greyhound Racing NSW

With the weather heating up this week, participants are reminded about the Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) Hot Weather Policy which protects the health, comfort and safety of greyhounds during Hot weather.

The policy allows for greyhounds to be withdrawn from an event without penalty where the Bureau of Meteorology official forecast is 32°C or higher.

In addition, GRNSW stewards may abandon a race meeting in the event the temperature rises above 38°C or is likely to rise above this temperature.

Clubs must also abandon trials where the temperature rises above 38°C or when the temperature is likely to rise above 38°C.

The policy also contains provisions around race day trialling during November to February. This includes preventing reserve trials from being conducted during these months and the requirement for greyhounds competing in trials on race days to be housed either in air-conditioned kennels or an air-conditioned trailer for the entire time they are at a race track.

Under no circumstances, are greyhounds to be kept in non-air-conditioned vehicles when temperatures reach 22°C or above.

GRNSW officials will be undertaking random inspections across the summer months to ensure compliance with the Hot Weather Policy.

GRNSW General Manager, Regulatory Stephen Dodd said the Hot Weather Policy was successfully introduced last year with near full compliance from industry participants.

“The Hot Weather Policy is designed to ensure that greyhounds are properly cared for in Hot weather conditions so it was extremely heartening that industry embraced the policy and complied with all of its requirements,” Mr Dodd said.

“I expect no different this summer with the industry showing they are committed to safeguarding the welfare of their greyhounds as their number one priority.”

Participants are encouraged to regularly check the GRNSW website for any race schedule changes due to extreme heat.

Click here to view the Hot Weather Policy.