Participant Disqualified For Using Animal Carcass

By Greyhound Racing NSW

Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) has disqualified licensed participant Hubert Murray for 16 years and excluded him from ever being licenced again after he admitted using an animal carcass in connection with greyhound training.

An inquiry was commenced after GRNSW investigators discovered three rabbit carcasses in the greyhound training areas of Mr Murray’s property in CESSNOCK in May this year. 

An interim suspension was placed on Mr Murray’s licence immediately following the discovery.

Based on forensic analysis, the GRNSW Inquiry Panel found that the rabbits were dead prior to suffering bite wounds and that the carcasses were likely used as lures.

Mr Murray was charged with two offences under the GRNSW Greyhound Racing Rules relating to using an animal carcass in connection with greyhound training and for failing to comply with the conditions of his licence registration. 

After Mr Murray admitted to the charges and having considered all the evidence before the inquiry, the GRNSW Inquiry Panel disqualified Mr Murray for 16 years and excluded him from making any future licence applications to GRNSW or to be an owner of any greyhound.

In determining the penalty imposed on Mr Murray, the GRNSW Inquiry Panel was of the view that the circumstances of the offences were of the most serious nature and demonstrated a complete disregard for the GRNSW Greyhound Racing Rules.

In addition to the penalty handed down to Mr Murray, the GRNSW Inquiry Panel also warned off Ian Toombs for three months after he failed to attend to give evidence before the first hearing. Mr Toombs, upon realising the error, attended a future hearing and assisted the GRNSW Inquiry Panel. 

The full decision of the GRNSW Inquiry Panel can be found here

GRNSW General Manager Regulatory Stephen Dodd said he was pleased that the identification of these activities was a result of intelligence received by GRNSW. 

“I encourage anyone both within the industry and the general public to come forward with any information they have regarding such practices. As the industry regulator, the success of the industry relies on an aspect of self regulation in identifying this rogue element to remove the minority of participants who will not abide by the racing rules,” Mr Dodd said. 

GRNSW urges anyone with information about welfare concerns within the NSW greyhound racing industry to contact the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Hotline on 1800 680 174 or  

Mr Murray and Mr Toombs have been notified about their rights of appeal.