Five Participants Disqualified

By Greyhound Racing NSW

Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) has handed down lengthy disqualifications to five participants as part of its Inquiry into allegations of improper practices and a mass greyhound grave at the registered Keinbah Trial Track.

GRNSW convened the Inquiry after an independent investigation by Clive Steirn SC - that was commissioned by GRNSW - had found at least 99 greyhounds had been buried at the Hunter Valley training track.

The GRNSW Inquiry Panel found that Thomas Pullman, a licensed trainer who ran the operations of the Keinbah Trial Track between 2009 and 2013, was responsible for killing and burying a substantial number of the 99 greyhounds for reasons other than emergency euthanasia.

Mr Pullman was charged with four offences under the GRNSW Greyhound Racing Rules relating to failure to provide veterinary attention, providing false and misleading statements, falsifying a document and engaging in conduct detrimental to the NSW greyhound racing industry.  

After considering all the evidence before the Inquiry, the GRNSW Inquiry Panel found Mr Pullman guilty of all four charges and imposed a disqualification of 15 years for Mr Pullman.

In determining the penalty imposed on Mr Pullman, the GRNSW Inquiry Panel was of the view that the circumstances of the offences were of the most serious nature.

The GRNSW Inquiry Panel also handed down the following penalties:

Helen Pullman: Disqualified for four years after being found guilty of two offences relating to providing false and misleading statements and for falsifying a document;
Kayla Spliet: Disqualified for four years after being found guilty of failing to provide veterinary care, providing false and misleading statements and for falsifying a document;
Corey Spliet: Disqualified for two years after being found guilty of providing false and misleading statements;
Wayne Weiss: Disqualified for three years after being found guilty of providing false and misleading statements and failing to attend an Inquiry.

The full decision of the GRNSW Inquiry Panel can be found here. 

The GRNSW Inquiry Panel found that the actions of the five disqualified participants were completely unacceptable and had tarnished the reputation of the NSW greyhound racing industry and the reputations of the overwhelming majority of participants who care for the welfare of their greyhounds.

“The Inquiry into the Keinbah Trial Track and the penalties issued is further evidence of the robust and wide-ranging reforms GRNSW has introduced since 2015,” GRNSW interim CEO John Gibbons said. 

“The reforms undertaken have enabled GRNSW to effectively tackle abhorrent practices, while making significant improvements to animal welfare and to the supervision of the industry.

“In March, the NSW Government announced it would establish a new independent Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission that will have responsibility for upholding animal welfare standards and overseeing the integrity of greyhound racing through monitoring and enforcement. The new commission will be equipped with even broader powers of surveillance, search and seizure to investigate and prosecute greyhound-related animal welfare breaches.”

In finalising the Inquiry, GRNSW would like to thank the present owners of the Keinbah Trial Track for their assistance and cooperation throughout the process. 

“GRNSW has overhauled the Inquiry process creating the GRNSW Inquiry Panel, which is inquisitorial in nature. The finalisation of this significant Inquiry shows the effectiveness of this reform. I would also like to thank the Inquiry Panel consisting of Ray Murrihy (chair), Stephen Dodd (General Manager Regulatory), Tammy Cootes (Manger Integrity and Inquiries) and Grant Carroll (Senior Inquiry Steward) who worked tirelessly to bring this matter to a close,” Mr Gibbons said.  

The five participants disqualified have been notified about their rights of appeal.

GRNSW urges anyone with information about welfare concerns within the NSW greyhound racing industry to contact the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Hotline on 1800 680 174 or at