Decision - Didier Dupuche

By Greyhound Racing NSW

Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) has disqualified licensed trainer Mr Didier Dupuche for 15 years for a breach of the GRNSW Greyhound Racing Rules.

On 6 June 2016 GRNSW commenced an investigation after receiving intelligence regarding a greyhound under the care and control of Mr Dupuche. 

The investigation identified that a greyhound under Mr Dupuche’s care had died. GRNSW contacted the RSPCA where a joint investigation was initiated. The joint investigation resulted in charges being issued by the RSPCA under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1979.

On 18 May, Mr Dupuche was convicted before the Parramatta Local Court for offences under section 5 (3) and 6 (1) of the Act relating to aggravated animal cruelty and a failure to provide veterinary treatment when necessary.

On 24 May 2017, GRNSW Stewards charged Mr Dupuche under Rule 95 (8)(a).

After receiving submissions from Mr Dupuche, GRNSW Stewards, based on the totality of the evidence before the inquiry, determined to impose a period of 15 years disqualification.

A copy of the decision can be found here

GRNSW General Manager Regulatory Stephen Dodd said the investigation and outcome was a result of GRNSW’s enhanced regulatory capability that has been developed over the past two years. 

“GRNSW has a close working relationship with RSPCA NSW that allows each enforcement agency to rapidly identify wrongdoing and take appropriate measures. This close relationship is a result of the professionalism, knowledge and capabilities that the Regulatory team hold,” Mr Dodd said.

“GRNSW cannot be any clearer that it is determined to rid the sport of those that refuse to abide by the rules of racing and adopt the highest standards of welfare for animals in their care.” 

In March, the NSW Government announced it would establish a new independent Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission that will have responsibility for upholding animal welfare standards and overseeing the integrity of greyhound racing through monitoring and enforcement. The new commission will be equipped with even broader powers of surveillance, search and seizure to investigate and prosecute greyhound-related animal welfare breaches. 

GRNSW encourages anyone to report any allegations of wrongdoing within the NSW greyhound racing industry to the NSW Greyhound Integrity Hotline on 1800 680 174 or submitting it in writing via

Correction: An earlier version of this article incorrectly listed the rule Mr Dupuche was charged under as Rule 98 (a). It is in fact Rule 95 (8)(a)