GRNSW Appoints New Chief Veterinary Officer


Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) has announced the appointment of Dr Rick Symons as its new Chief Veterinary Officer.

Dr Symons completed a Bachelor of Veterinary Science from the University of Queensland in 1978 and received his PhD in Physiology in 1989.

Dr Symons was the Chief Veterinary Officer for Queensland from 2011 to 2014 and has held a number of senior executive positions in the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Before joining government he worked in both large and small animal practices. He has had national leadership roles in animal welfare and animal biosecurity, was elected Chair of the national Animal Welfare Committee in 2009 and was Chair of Animal Health Committee in 2013.

He is an expert in developing policy and response strategies, and leading responses to significant incidents, including Hendra virus and avian influenza outbreaks. He has also led national teams working with industry and interest groups in the development of standards and position statements in animal biosecurity and welfare.  He is a member of the Australian & New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (in Animal Welfare, Ethics & Law, and in Epidemiology).

GRNSW Administrator John Gibbons welcomed Mr Symons’ commencement after an extensive search.  “Dr Symons is an outstanding candidate for this position and will be a real asset to GRNSW," Mr Gibbons said. "He has a great style, understands the current context and political sensitivities surrounding the industry and has good experience in these environments.  He has developed policy and has a strong science and evidence-based approach to his work.

“The Greyhound Industry Reform Panel, chaired by Morris Iemma, is tasked with determining a new regime that will ensure greyhound racing in NSW prioritises animal welfare amongst other things.  While the Panel’s work will be crucial in shaping the future of the industry, GRNSW is determined to proceed with a range of ongoing initiatives aimed at improving animal welfare and industry integrity.

“Rick’s appointment will position GRNSW to deliver improved welfare outcomes and continue its work on major research projects into optimal track design and chase motivation to reduce greyhound injuries and wastage.  Rick will also be responsible for implementing a revised code of practice which will safeguard the welfare of a greyhound through its entire lifecycle."

Dr Symons said he was looking forward to engaging with the industry and animal welfare groups to develop an animal welfare strategic plan.

“In the past there have been animal welfare issues in the industry, so the focus now is to put animal welfare front and centre in our approach, to meet the expectations of the community and give greyhounds a better life,” Dr Symons said.

Mr Gibbons thanked former Chief Veterinary Officer Dr Elizabeth Arnott for her contribution to GRNSW and the industry and wishes her well in her future endeavours. Dr Rick Symons commenced with GRNSW on 9 January 2017.