Hoop Arm Lure System Trials Continue


 Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) is continuing the installation of a hoop arm lure system at all greyhound tracks in NSW in its continued efforts to reduce racing related injuries.

A trial of the hoop arm lure system has started in trial sessions at Unibet Gardens and will continue at that track for the next month.

The system will also be used for a month in trials at Gosford starting on Wednesday, January 4.

It is then aimed to permanently introduce the hoop arm lure system at both tracks.

The hoop arm lure system has been in effect at races held at Richmond Race Club since July this year with feedback from participants largely positive.

Reducing interference between greyhounds during racing is a priority to reduce racing injuries. Additionally, reducing the risk of collision with the inside running rail is essential to increasing racing safety.

The installation of the new hoop arm lure system is aimed at achieving these objectives and will be reviewed for potential improvements as results are received from research projects examining chase motivation in greyhounds and optimum track design.
All TAB venues are due to be racing and trialling with the hoop arm lure system by the middle of February 2017.

Once the hoop arm  lure system is in place at all TAB tracks, GRNSW will begin installing hoop arm lure systems at all Non-TAB tracks.

GRNSW will provide more updates on the introduction of the hoop arm lure system at other tracks when available.