Volunteers Required For Chase Motivation Study

By thedogs.com.au

GRNSW is encouraging volunteers to take part in the ongoing University of Sydney Chase Motivation Study.

The study, which is being conducted by Dr Melissa Starling of the University of Sydney and is funded by GRNSW,  is seeking to identify why greyhounds Chase and reasons why they might not.

As part of the study, the University is recruiting litters of greyhound puppies to follow throughout rearing and training phases. Researchers will observe and record introductions to chasing teasers, the starting box, lures and anything else considered part of their education.

The study will then shift to the racing phase to observe their success once they reach the racetrack, to identify both training practices and greyhound behaviours that are associated with racing success.

The Chase Motivation Study is mostly observational, meaning that all trainers need to do is let the University know when they plan to introduce dogs to a new part or phase of their training and allow the University to observe how it goes. There are also options for dogs that are not chasing in training to participate in another study on non-Chasers if there is interest from trainers.

GRNSW Administrator John Gibbons said more volunteers were welcome for the study.

“This is an important study which could have significant implications for shaping the future of greyhound racing,” Mr Gibbons said. “If we can understand more about why greyhounds Chase, we can ultimately give greyhounds longer racing careers.

“This is also a chance for participants to contribute their ideas and methods of training that are important to them.

“We welcome the involvement of volunteers interested in taking part and thank the University of Sydney for their dedicated work.”

All aspects of the study, including results, will be strictly confidential and only the researchers will have access to information on volunteers’ greyhounds.

Volunteers interested in taking part or wanting more details should contact Dr Starling on 0431 255 918 or email melissa.starling@Sydney.edu.au

GRNSW thanks those volunteers who have already taken part in the study.