Interim Suspension Pending Outcome Of Inquiry

By Greyhound Racing NSW

Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) advises that licensed trainer and breeder Mr Harry Sarkis has been issued with an interim suspension while alleged offences relating to luring and baiting are investigated. 

The interim suspension was issued after GRNSW Compliance Officers discovered what appears to be a rabbit carcass on Mr Sarkis’ property on Wednesday, 27 July 2016, during a planned kennel inspection. 

Immediately following the discovery, GRNSW Stewards and RSPCA NSW attended the property to investigate and interview Mr Sarkis. 

Following the interviews, GRNSW Stewards notified Mr Sarkis that they had commenced an inquiry under the GRNSW Greyhound Racing Rules to investigate whether Mr Sarkis had failed to comply with Rule 86B. 

While no determination has yet been made about whether Mr Sarkis has breached this rule, the Stewards also notified Mr Sarkis of the interim suspension of his licence pending the inquiry that will now take place. Mr Sarkis now has until 5pm Wednesday 3 August 2016 to show cause as to why the interim suspension should not remain in place until the outcome of the Steward’s inquiry.

“Just in case any participant hasn’t got the message by now, as the industry regulator GRNSW will immediately and decisively take action if there is any suggestion that the racing rules have been breached, particularly those pertaining to cruel and sickening acts of live baiting,” interim GRNSW CEO Paul Newson said

Rule 86B of the Greyhound Racing Rules makes it an offence to:

• Use any live animal or animal carcass in connection with greyhound training, education or preparation to race or possess any live animal or animal carcass which is likely to be used as bait, quarry or lure to entice or encourage a greyhound to pursue it. 

• Attempt to possess, or have possession of, or bring onto, any grounds, premises or within the boundaries of any property where greyhounds are, or are to be traine, kept or raced, any live animal, animal carcass or any part of an animal for the purpose of being, or which might reasonably be capable of being, or likely to be, used as bait, quarry or lure to entice or excite or encourage a greyhound to pursue it.

Any person found guilty of an offence under Rule 86B shall be disqualified for a period of not less than 10 years.

GRNSW will provide further details in due course.