GRNSW Temporarily Suspends Greyhound Racing

By Greyhound Racing NSW

Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) has taken the extraordinary step today of temporarily suspending greyhound racing while it assesses the impact of the NSW Government’s decision to permanently shut down greyhound racing in NSW.

As the controlling body and regulator for greyhound racing in NSW GRNSW formed the view that the appropriate and responsible course of action was to temporarily suspend racing operations until it better understood the immediate implications of the government decision and had an informed view around any potential staff, industry and animal welfare concerns.

Right now, our primary focus is on supporting staff and industry participants in the aftermath of this announcement, understanding how this decision will play out in practical terms, and ensuring ongoing
greyhound welfare.

In light of these factors, racing has been temporarily suspended effective immediately. While this decision will be reviewed over the weekend, greyhound racing will not recommence until GRNSW has consulted with industry stakeholders and is satisfied there is no impediment to its proper control and administration of the industry.

Obviously it is far too soon to be able to answer all questions facing the industry at this time.

Whilst we are disappointed at the Government’s announcement, we are proud of the leadership GRNSW has shown driving substantial industry reform in the past 16 months. We are grateful for those within the greyhound racing industry who partnered with us in tackling the substantial reform agenda.