Inquiry Opened After Targeted Inspection By GRNSW

By Greyhound Racing NSW

Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) has opened a Stewards inquiry and issued an interim suspension to licensed participant Scott Austen following a targeted welfare and integrity inspection at an address in Box Hill, NSW. 

Members of the GRNSW Regulatory and Welfare units were in attendance during the operation, including a veterinarian, investigators and stewards. 

GRNSW stewards seized labelled vials alleged to contain permanently banned substances under the Greyhound Racing Rules. GRNSW staff also took samples from all of the greyhounds on the property, with these samples and the seized vials to be forwarded for testing by Racing Analytical Services Ltd for the presence of any permanently banned or prohibited substances.

In addition, a GRNSW veterinarian examined each of the greyhounds with no welfare concerns identified. 

Mr Austen has been invited by GRNSW to make submissions as to why the interim suspension of his licence as an Owner Trainer, Studmaster and Breeder should not remain in place until the completion of the inquiry. Mr Austen has until 7 July 2016 to make submissions.  

As the investigation into this matter is ongoing, GRNSW will not be making any further comment at this stage. 

GRNSW encourages anyone who may have welfare or integrity concerns related to the greyhound racing industry to contact the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Hotline on 1800 680 174 or to ensure the matter can be fully investigated and appropriate action can be taken.