GRNSW Issues Charges As Part Of Exports Inquiry

By Greyhound Racing NSW

Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) has issued charges against 179 industry participants for potential breaches of the Greyhound Racing Rules concerning alleged unauthorised exports of greyhounds to Macau.

The charges have been issued as part of an ongoing inquiry launched by GRNSW last December into suspected unauthorised exports of greyhounds to Macau. Macau does not comply with Australian animal welfare standards.

The inquiry is chaired by barrister Adrian Anderson, who has extensive experience in disciplinary matters in a range of sporting organisations. GRNSW’s new Investigation and Intelligence unit has assisted with the inquiry and compilation of evidence which has led to the issuing of the charges.

Rule 124 of the Greyhound Racing Rules currently requires that any person intending to export a greyhound from Australia to any other country (excluding NEW ZEALAND) must, prior to meeting the quarantine and inspection service requirements of the relevant country, obtain a greyhound passport and certified pedigree issued by Greyhounds Australasia. 

Since 2013, GA has suspended consideration of greyhound passport applications where the intended destination is Macau. This is due to a GA assessment that found Macau did not comply with Australian animal welfare standards. 

GRNSW encourages anyone who may have information about the unauthorised exportation of greyhounds to contact the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Hotline on 1800 680 174 or to ensure the matter can be fully investigated.