GRNSW Issues First Ever Public Comment Policy


GRNSW has issued its first ever Public Comment Policy which sets outs GRNSW’s expectations of industry participants who make any public comment - on social media and otherwise - in relation to greyhound racing.

The policy aims to clearly detail the rationale and purpose of the rules governing public comment and the obligations of industry participants. It applies to all industry participants, GRNSW staff members and club officials.

A breach of the policy may result in disciplinary action under the Greyhound Racing Rules.

A breach of the policy may also amount to breaches of other GRNSW governing documents, including the Greyhound Racing NSW Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying Policy. If a GRNSW staff member breaches the Public Comment Policy, they may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

GRNSW recognises the value of public comment by industry participants to promote greyhound racing and as an important tool of engagement for industry participants.

The new policy does not intend to discourage, nor unduly limit, personal expression or online activities. However, each industry participant can be seen as an ambassador for greyhound racing and therefore any public comment they make may impact the industry as a whole. 

Examples of unacceptable public comment under the policy include comments that defame members of the greyhound racing industry, are discriminatory or racist in nature or misrepresent the source of comments or the identity of the maker.

This policy does not restrict legitimate public comment, and GRNSW encourages industry participants and members of the public to raise legitimate animal welfare concerns. Information about live baiting, integrity, animal welfare, animal cruelty or the conduct of a person involved in greyhound racing can be submitted by calling the NSW Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Hotline on 1800 680 174 or via

A list of frequently asked questions, including what is and is not acceptable public comment under the policy will be made available online and distributed to all NSW tracks in the coming weeks to assist all industry participants.

GRNSW has also made minor amendments to the Greyhound Racing Rules to align the Rules with the Public Comment Policy. More information can be found by clicking here

To view the entire Public Comment Policy, click here.

For Public Comment Policy FAQs, click here.