GRNSW Introduces New Local Rules


Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) is introducing local rules LR86 (a), (b) and (c) to provide greater clarity to national rules 86 (e), (f) and (q) which address specific offences and rules relating to public comment about greyhound racing.

The new local rules for LR86(a), (b) and (c) are:

Notwithstanding Rule 86 (e), (f) and (q), a person (including an official) shall be guilty of an offence if the person:

(a) refuses or fails to attend or to give evidence at an inquiry, or answer any question relevant to an inquiry, or produce a document or other thing in relation to an investigation, examination, test or inquiry pursuant to these Rules when directed by the Controlling Body, Stewards or the committee of a club to do so;

(b) unreasonably engages in, publishes or causes to be published, broadcasts or causes to be broadcast, the use of any contemptuous,  improper, insulting, or offensive language, conduct or behaviour towards, or in relation to:

(i) a Steward;

(ii) the committee, or a member of the committee, of a club;

(iii) the Controlling Body, or a member of the Controlling Body; or

(iv) any other person having official duties in relation to greyhound racing

exercising their powers, or performing their duties or function in relation to greyhound racing;

(c) commits or omits to do any act or engages in conduct which is unreasonably detrimental or prejudicial to the interest, welfare, image, control or promotion of greyhound racing.

GRNSW encourages all participants to familiarise themselves with the new local rules to ensure they comply and avoid the possibility of receiving a penalty due to a breach of the rules.

The rules have come into force today (Monday).

A copy of the updated GRNSW Local Rule Book can be found by clicking here.


































