GRNSW Announces Steward's Inquiry


Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) has commenced an Inquiry under the GRNSW Greyhound Racing Rules as a result of criminal convictions imposed on John Cauchi for serious animal cruelty offences. The Inquiry has been allocated number 15S106 of 2015.

The purpose of the Inquiry will be to investigate whether:

1. pursuant to rule 86B(1)(g) you are a person who, in the opinion of the Stewards or Controlling Body is convicted in any Court of an offence in relation to the use of, or having in their                     Possession, any live animal, animal carcass or part of an animal in connection with greyhound training, education or preparation to race, or racing
2. pursuant to rule 95 (8)(a) you are a person who has been convicted by any court and the controlling body is satisfied that 
a. the nature of the offence is such that the persons continued participation or association with greyhound racing would be detrimental to the proper control and regulation of greyhound                       racing
b. the continued enjoyment of the rights and privileges conferred by the person would be prejudicial to the interests of the Controlling Body
3. pursuant to rule 15(3) GRNSW should cancel your registration as an Owner, for among other reasons, you may not be a fit and proper person to continue to be registered (see section 11             of the Greyhound Racing Act 2009).   

The industry participants associated with the Inquiry have been notified. Mr Cauchi's license remains suspended.