Request For Research Proposal Re-Issued


Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) is seeking proposals from suitably qualified organisations and individuals to investigate factors influencing greyhound race track safety (as defined by incident and injury risk) and develop best-practice recommendations. 

GRNSW is reissuing this request for research proposal with revised requirements to ensure the project’s research and recommendations most effectively address the safety and welfare requirements of greyhound race tracks.

Click here to view the updated Statement of Project Requirements.

The specific work required will:

1. acquire the necessary ethics approval

2. consult with a greyhound industry advisory committee (consisting of the GRNSW track maintenance manager, head veterinarian and two racing industry participants) to establish the most significant variables to be tested and identify the specific research questions.

3. review and critically analyse Australian and international literature and GRNSW injury and track data to establish:

(a) the current evidence for the track related factors contributing to injury and incident risks for racing greyhounds
(b) knowledge gaps in the current evidence for optimal track design and surface;
(c) hypotheses related to the safety impact of:

o track shape and layout
o turn radii
o transitions
o banking and cross-fall
o surface grades and camber
o starting box position and angle
o lure position, speed and consistency
o track surface and preparation

4. design and implement robust methods for testing these hypotheses including the measurement of force on the canine body and canine racing interference and injury,

5. identify and recommend optimal race track design with respect to each of the factors listed in 3(c) and other important areas as identified by the industry advisory committee and     literature review. 

6. consider the use of technologies such as moisture meters, penetrometers, GPS and ground penetrating radar to develop evidence – based, objective guidelines for track surface                 management  relating to (but not limited to):

o moisture content 
o hardness
o compaction
o sand structure and composition

7. detail implementation considerations for each of the recommendations

8. create actionable insights for policy makers

Submissions for the request for research proposals are due by 5pm (AEDST) on Friday 5 February 2016.