GRNSW Receives Information From Animals Australia


Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) has received comprehensive advice from Animals Australia in regard to the alleged unauthorised exports of greyhounds to international jurisdictions.

The Animals Australia advice will greatly assist GRNSW’s ongoing investigations and recently announced Stewards’ inquiry into the unauthorised exports of greyhounds to international jurisdictions.

The GRNSW inquiry is being chaired by leading barrister Adrian Anderson, who has extensive experience in disciplinary matters in a range of sporting organisations as well as criminal investigations. To assist with the inquiry, GRNSW has also engaged additional investigators to ensure all allegations of wrongdoing are investigated and industry participants found to have breached compliance obligations are held to account.

GRNSW’s investigation was commenced following analysis of information obtained from GRNSW compliance activities and was the first major investigation initiated by GRNSW’s new Investigations and Intelligence Section.

GRNSW interim Chief Executive Paul Newson said GRNSW was exploring all available options to prevent unauthorised exports and safeguard the welfare of greyhounds, however, GRNSW’s powers are extremely limited and the Australian Government export controls are inadequate.

GRNSW is concerned existing export controls do not afford sufficient safeguards for animal welfare. GRNSW is striving to deliver fundamental industry reform but is hamstrung by limited export controls and inadequate powers.

GRNSW is keen to assist the Australian Government with the establishment of a regulatory solution to improve greyhound welfare outcomes, as part of a collection of broader stakeholders including other racing controlling bodies and animal welfare groups.

“GRNSW is committed to preventing the unauthorised export of Australian greyhounds to destinations where animal welfare practices don’t meet industry standards and are inconsistent with community expectations. Unfortunately GRNSW doesn’t have the necessary powers available to most regulators that would allow it to take pre-emptive action and secure the welfare of these greyhounds,” Mr Newson said.

“GRNSW’s limited powers are a significant challenge and frustrate its ability to take pre-emptive action and inadequate Australian Government export controls are the real vulnerability. GRNSW can only enforce the Greyhound Racing Rules with greyhound racing industry participants which leaves unacceptable gaps with existing export controls.

"The Animals Australia advice will greatly assist GRNSW’s ongoing investigation and ensure individuals found to have exported greyhounds to an international jurisdiction without the necessary authority incur consequences.

"GRNSW thanks Animals Australia for providing the intelligence it gathered as part of its own investigation into exports of greyhounds to ASIA and is committed to ongoing cooperation to safeguard greyhound welfare and bring an end to any animal cruelty and wrongdoing within the greyhound racing industry."

Rule 124 of the GRNSW Greyhound Racing Rules requires that any person intending to export a greyhound from Australia to any other country (excluding NEW ZEALAND) must, prior to meeting the quarantine and inspection service requirements of the relevant country, obtain a greyhound passport and certified pedigree issued by Greyhounds AustralASIA (GA).

Since 2013, GA has suspended consideration of greyhound passport applications where the intended destination is Macau. This is due to a GA assessment that found Macau did not comply with Australian animal welfare standards. Also, GA has never issued greyhound passports where the intended export destination is China. 

Currently, a greyhound racing participant found to have exported a greyhound to an international jurisdiction (excluding NEW ZEALAND) without having satisfied the requirements of the Rules risks serious penalties including fines and suspension or disqualification from greyhound racing.

GRNSW encourages anyone who may have information about the unauthorised exportation of greyhounds to contact the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Hotline on 1800 680 174 or to ensure the matter can be fully investigated and individuals found to have breached the Rules are held to account.