Issues Paper Released By Special Commission


The Special Commission of Inquiry into the Greyhound Racing Industry in NSW (the Commission) is inviting feedback on an issues paper it has released on the governance and social contributions of the greyhound racing industry in NSW.

The issues paper is seeking input in relation to:

a) The social contribution the greyhound racing industry in New South Wales is said to make to the lives of participants and communities; and

b) If the industry in NSW is to continue, whether its current structure, including its governance, is appropriate or whether an alternative model should be adopted.

The first purpose of this issues paper is to invite responses on the industry’s social contribution to people and communities in NSW. Rather than focus on direct economic impacts, responses to this part should focus on the social impacts which effect people and communities.
The second purpose of this issues paper is to invite constructive and considered responses in relation to an appropriate governance model for the greyhound racing industry which reflects welfare standards consistent with community expectations and avoids irreconcilable conflicts of interest between the industry’s commercial and regulatory responsibilities.

Responses do not need to cover both of these topics, although submissions on both topics are welcomed by the Commission.

Greyhound Racing NSW encourages industry participants who have views on either of these areas to provide a considered submission to the issues paper.

The issues paper can be accessed via the Commission’s website or by clicking here.
Responses to this issues paper should be made to the Commission by emailing or by post to GPO Box 25, Sydney 2001.

The closing date for responses to the issues paper is Friday, 15 January 2016.