Reminder - Feedback Called On Discussion Paper


Greyhound racing stakeholders are reminded that submissions on the discussion paper – ‘Development of a NSW greyhound racing strategic approach’ – released by the Joint Working Group (JWG) are due by Monday (7 December 2015).


Greyhound Racing NSW Manager, Industry Reform Wayne Billett said a large number of submissions had already been received, and that the contributions are providing great insights on potential approaches and the strategic direction greyhound racing should be taking in NSW.


“I would like to thank all the people who have taken the time to write a submission. Each one received will be provided to every member of the JWG and will go a long way to ensuring greyhound racing has a successful future,” Mr Billett said.


“The most positive aspect of the submissions received to date has been the overwhelming acknowledgement of the need for wholesale change within the NSW greyhound racing industry, and the need to put welfare and integrity at the centre of everything.


Mr Billett stressed that stakeholders who were unable to provide a submission by the due date would still have the opportunity to provide their input into the development of GRNSW’s strategic approach in the coming weeks.


“Given the tight timeframe, I understand some stakeholders may not have the time to participate before next Monday,” Mr Billett said.


“I want to assure these people that they can contact myself at any time between now and when the JWG is due to report to the GRNSW interim Chief Executive at the end of January to lodge their views and have their say on the strategic direction of the sport,” Mr Billett.


“I will also be travelling across regional and rural NSW in January to discuss face-to-face all the issues raised in the discussion paper as well as highlight some of the proposals being formulated by the JWG.


“In short, I do not want anyone believing they do not have their chance to contribute to this process. Put simply, if you have a view and you voice it, it will be heard and considered by the JWG and GRNSW.”


Click here to view the discussion paper.