Statement By Paul Newson


Greyhound Racing NSW interim Chief Executive Paul Newson has made the following statement after his appearance at the Special Commission of Inquiry into the Greyhound Racing Industry In NSW on Friday:

“The first and most important thing I want to stress today is that our message to greyhound trainers, breeders and owners and to the general public is simple and clear.

“Greyhound racing in New South Wales has entered a new era. Animal cruelty of any kind will not be tolerated in this industry. 

“There is no room for the dated, cruel and unacceptable practices that have been aired this year and are now the subject of the Special Commission of Inquiry, nor for anyone who is involved in them – either as a perpetrator, a participant or a bystander who does not intervene. We will do all that we can to find, prosecute and disqualify those involved.

“GRNSW has, on many occasions prior to this, admitted its past failures.  It did not meet community expectations in relation to Animal welfare.

“What I want the community to know is that since the size and scope of the issues have been uncovered, an entirely new leadership team has been working hard on a significant and proactive reform process that has, in a short period of time, already demonstrated positive change in the industry.

“We have appointed a new Chief Veterinary Officer to ensure that the welfare of greyhounds and other Animals is at the centre of all of the actions that we undertake.

“We have introduced stricter licensing requirements for the breeding of greyhounds and imposed restrictions on the number of litters a greyhound can have.

“We have appointed a new General Manager of Compliance, who will lead our new intelligence and investigations team, an enlarged Compliance team as well as the racing integrity function.

“We have appointed a new Principal Investigator who will lead our investigations function, including undertaking more serious or complex investigations and contribute to a multi-disciplinary compliance team being established to ensure rigorous supervision of the sport.

“We have appointed, for the first time, a General Counsel to ensure critical analysis and rigour is applied to commercial and regulatory decision making, and disciplinary proceedings are dealt with efficiently and effectively.

“We have commissioned and released a ground-breaking report from the Working Dog Alliance which will inform review of existing policy positions and all future welfare and education initiatives developed by GRNSW and provide a road map for future research investment.
“We have revised our Code of Practice for Breeding, Rearing and Education which specifies minimum standards of accommodation, management and care to uphold the welfare of all greyhounds at breeding establishments. These minimum standards cover a range of areas including health and veterinary care, nutrition and greyhound housing size.

“We have committed to reviewing the design of greyhound racing tracks in New South Wales to ensure the safety of greyhounds racing remains paramount above all else.

“We have established a $1.1m per annum Welfare and Integrity Fund so that sufficient resources are available to ensure appropriate integrity and welfare outcomes for greyhounds.

“We have established the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Hotline to support our intelligence and investigative functions and to ensure that the community can raise any concerns that they have.

“We have reviewed and are further improving our existing drug testing regime to ensure we can safeguard the integrity of the sport and Greyhound Racing NSW is recognised as the industry leader in drug testing and detection.

“We have increased our investment in our greyhound adoption program to ensure that there is a future for greyhounds which are retired from racing.

“Everyone at GRNSW acknowledges that we still have much to do and are facing significant challenges, but the changes we have already made, combined with further policy changes to be announced in coming months, mean that the industry is well positioned to move forward.  We believe talk of shutting the industry down is premature. 

“As the Special Commission of Inquiry is still sitting, it would be inappropriate for me to comment further at this time.”

The Special Commission of Inquiry into the Greyhound Racing Industry In NSW, which is being presided over by the Honourable Michael McHugh AC QC, has now completed its first week of public hearings.

GRNSW understands the Commission will be conducting further public hearings later this year.

The Special Commission’s final report is due to be handed down on 31 March 2016.