New Masters Racing Age To Be Introduced


As previously announced on 23 June 2015, Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) has lifted the minimum age for Masters racing to 45 months for all events held from 1 October 2015 onwards.


Greyhounds that are already 42 months of age prior to 1 October 2015 and have therefore already been granted a Masters grade will remain eligible for the Masters scheme despite not being 45 months of age yet.


Masters racing was introduced last September and is currently open to greyhounds aged three-and-a-half years (42 months) and over.


During a review of the Masters racing scheme undertaken earlier this year, feedback received indicated that the age of entry should be at least 48 months.


Whilst GRNSW understands the desire for the age of entry to be lifted, this cannot be to the detriment of the sustainability of current Masters racing and the ability to attract ample nominations to hold Masters races.


In addition to the change above, the age of entry will be revisited in another six to 12 months’ time to assess whether a further increase in the minimum age to 48 months is feasible for all Masters events.


Based on participant feedback submitted during the review, the following Masters Policy changes will be made:


  • Masters racing to remain across Category B and C race meetings

  • Prize money to align with a 5th grade Prizemoney level at the category of race meeting

  • Age of entry to be lifted from 42 months of age up to 45 months of age

Prizemoney adjustments were implemented from July 1, whilst the new age of entry will commence from October 1.