GRNSW Launches Online Survey


As part of the development of a new strategic plan, Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) is reaching out to industry participants to gain their view on the industry in NSW.

The work to develop a new strategic approach will be greatly assisted by consultation with industry stakeholders on potential options to identify a preferred model that will support improved race club infrastructure and amenities, increase and distribute prizemoney to enhance competitiveness with other jurisdictions and attract new participants to the sport.

Consultation will include targeted meetings with a range of industry participants as well as an online survey to allow participation from a wider pool of stakeholders.

You can access the survey online by clicking here.

Under the Greyhound Racing Act, GRNSW is to prepare a strategic plan for the greyhound racing industry at least every three years and this must be prepared in consultation with GRICG and other greyhound racing industry stakeholders.

In May 2015, GRNSW engaged renowned professional services business KPMG to assist in developing a strategic approach for greyhound racing in NSW.  The work is addressing potential options to restructure greyhound racing in NSW to address fundamental welfare and viability issues and reposition the industry to promote a stronger, more resilient and vibrant sport and enable responsible growth into the future.

The strategic approach will also identify ways in which GRNSW can provide greater guidance and support to participants and improve its oversight of the industry while exploring opportunities for more efficient and effective administration of the sport.

This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete, with submissions closing on Tuesday, 21 July 2015.

All responses are confidential and GRNSW will be reporting them in aggregated form to ensure individual responses cannot be identified.

If you have any queries regarding the survey, please email