Changes To Masters Announced


Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) has announced a range of changes to the Masters racing policy following a review of the scheme.

Masters racing was introduced last September and is currently open to greyhounds aged three-and-a-half years (42 months) and over.

During the review, the majority of the feedback received was relating to age of entry being at least 48 months.

GRNSW has heard that the age of entry needed to be lifted, however, not to the detriment of the current racing and the number of race events. So in addition to the changes above, the age of entry will be revisited in another six to 12 months time to ensure the 48 month age of entry is feasible for all Masters events.

Other issues raised related to eligibility into Masters events and this will be discussed in greater detail in conjunction with the Grading Policy review due to wrap up its consultative phase shortly.

Based on participant feedback submitted during the review, the following changes will be made:

• Masters racing to remain across Category B and C race meetings
• Prizemoney to align with a 5th grade prizemoney level at the category of race meeting
• Age of entry to be lifted from 42 months of age up to 45 months of age

Prizemoney adjustments will be implemented from July 1, whilst the new age of entry will look to commence from October 1 due to the more complex system update and implementation involved.