A Stakeholder Update From Paul Newson

As many of you will be aware the Special Commission of Inquiry into the Greyhound Racing Industry in NSW led by the Honourable Michael McHugh AC QC had its public opening on Wednesday 10 June.

In his opening address, Commissioner McHugh recognised that on any view there are very serious issues confronting the industry and revisited the Inquiry’s expansive terms of reference and extensive powers that have been put in place to undertake the Inquiry.

The Commissioner identified some matters which he believed were key to the Inquiry such as:

• The short term unviability and long term unsustainability of the industry, as identified in the Select Committee reports issued last year

• Overbreeding and wastage

• Re-homing of greyhounds

• The euthanasia of uncompetitive greyhounds

• Problems associated with self-regulation of the industry, including:
           o the selection process of GRNSW’s board
           o the regulatory and commercial conflict presented by GRNSW

• The perceived conflict which arises from the Integrity Auditor being appointed by GRNSW for which it is required to examine

• The inability of GRNSW to properly regulate, supervise and enforce breaches within the industry.

A copy of the transcript of the proceedings can be viewed by clicking here.

GRNSW sought leave to appear before the Commission at a future hearing and encourages all stakeholders with an interest in contributing to meaningful industry reform and achieving a thriving sport into the future to make a submission and consider appearing before the Commission.

Strategic">Strategic Direction
GRNSW is currently working to develop options for a future Strategic approach for greyhound racing in NSW.

This work is assessing potential options to restructure greyhound racing in NSW to address fundamental welfare and viability issues and reposition the industry to promote a stronger, more resilient and vibrant sport and enable responsible growth into the future.

There is no doubt that this future Strategic approach must put welfare and integrity at the centre of everything we do and ensure this commitment to improved outcomes enables the continuation and responsible development of the sport. The future Strategic approach must also address concerns about the industry’s viability and identify a preferred model that will support improved race club infrastructure and amenities, increase and distribute prizemoney to enhance competitiveness with other jurisdictions and attract new participants to the sport.

The Strategic approach will also identify ways in which GRNSW can provide greater guidance and support to participants and improve its oversight of the industry while exploring opportunities for more efficient and effective administration of the sport.

The work to develop a new Strategic approach will be greatly assisted by consultation with industry stakeholders on potential options to restructure the industry and additional avenues that may assist in making the sport attractive to new participants and resolving viability challenges. Consultation will include targeted meetings with a range of industry participants and a survey to allow participation from a wider pool of stakeholders.

Improving Welfare
GRNSW is developing and implementing a range of measures to improve welfare outcomes in NSW greyhound racing such as:

• Engaging a Chief Veterinary Officer to lead investigation, development and implementation of contemporary animal welfare policy in a racing context and oversight of veterinary services for greyhound racing in NSW.

• A comprehensive review of the Greyhounds As Pets (GAP) program to identify opportunities to enhance the program in an efficient manner, secure improved capacity and strive to deliver a significant increase in the number of greyhounds that are successfully re-homed as urban pets.

• The engagement of the Working Dog Alliance to review and provide advice on options to implement best practice rearing, socialisation, education and training methods for greyhounds in a racing context.

• Suspending nominations for the Betfair Blue Paws scheme with immediate effect pending a full review of the scheme which is currently being undertaken.

• New breeding regulations from 1 July 2015 including the introduction of a breeder’s licence, new requirements for the registration of all breeding females with controlling bodies, as well as restrictions on how many times a female greyhound can breed.

• Implementing the Welfare and Integrity Fund from 1 July 2015 to support welfare and integrity measures in NSW greyhound racing including improvements to GRNSW’s GAP program, a re-homing rebate for other approved adoption programs, increased marketing of the greyhound breed and increased compliance resources.

Integrity and Compliance
GRNSW continues to prioritise enhancing integrity and compliance outcomes and is striving to regain public and Government confidence in the conduct and oversight of the sport in NSW.

These actions include:

• Developing a new Industry Supervision Strategy to set out its approach to engaging and monitoring industry, promoting increased voluntary compliance through awareness and education, and targeting repeat and serious non-compliance through escalated enforcement action.

• Engaging a new General Manager Compliance who will be responsible for implementing GRNSW’s new Industry Supervision Strategy and leading our integrity function as well as our risk based and outcomes focused compliance approach and intelligence led investigative activities.

• Further developing compliance capabilities further by engaging additional education and compliance staff to increase regulatory capability and prioritise implementation of its new industry supervision strategy.

• Reviewing its Code of Conduct to ensure that GRNSW models the highest sandards of integrity and its functions and powers are exercised with efficiency, fairness, transparency and integrity.

Wagering Taxation Parity
The NSW Legislative Council's Select Committee on Greyhound Racing in NSW was convinced of the funding challenges faced by the greyhound racing industry in NSW and found that the industry may be unsustainable under current funding arrangements.

While GRNSW is leading development of a proposed future Strategic approach for the sport and work to reform the industry is ongoing, the viability and long term sustainability of greyhound racing in NSW would be greatly assisted by access to additional funds anticipated to be returned to the industry following the Government's decision to move to wagering taxation parity with Victoria.

GRNSW understands the staggered reduction in the Government's wagering tax would see $235 million returned to the industry over the next four years.

GRNSW recognises it is appropriate and sensible for the Government to withhold access to additional funds for greyhound racing in NSW subject to the findings and recommendations of the Special Commission of Inquiry into the Greyhound Racing Industry.

As mentioned above, in the course of the public opening of the Inquiry, Commissioner McHugh observed that on any view there are very significant challenges in terms of animal welfare standards, integrity, structural issues and financial viability.

GRNSW acknowledges the seriousness of the issues confronting the industry and is driving meaningful reform to secure Government and public confidence and achieve a sustainable and vibrant future for greyhound racing in NSW.

GRNSW is encouraged by the Government's decision to move to wagering taxation parity with Victoria and is confident the capacity to deliver contemporary best practice animal welfare, integrity and governance arrangements for the betterment of the sport will now be more achievable.

GRNSW will continue to work with NSW Police and RSPCA NSW to target individuals suspected of engaging in misconduct and where wrongdoing is established to apply escalating enforcement action under the Greyhound Racing Rules and/or refer matters to the relevant enforcement agency for consideration of further action.

This ongoing focus on targeting wrongdoing in the industry is appropriate and necessary but, as you have read, is only part of the important work underway.

Greyhound racing in NSW contributes approximately $335 million annually to the State and is responsible for the direct employment of more than 2700 people, with a further 7000 people involved in ownership and thousands more who participate in the sport as a hobby. This is a sizeable economic and social contribution on any view and GRNSW is taking decisive action to recover the reputational damage incurred by instances of misconduct and address concerns around chronic welfare and integrity issues.

GRNSW is planning on building on its initial campaign “BEWARE the Greyhound”, which included a short documentary and advertisements in print media, with a comprehensive marketing campaign to assist its efforts to recover the greyhound brand, improve community perceptions towards the sport and greyhound breed and encourage new participants to the industry.

GRNSW recognises this is a time of challenge and ongoing scrutiny for the sport of greyhound racing in NSW.

While confronting for some, commitment to reform also presents tremendous opportunity for renewal, improved outcomes for stakeholders and the chance to realise a positive future including responsible growth for the sport in NSW.