Fancy Liza Inquiry Adjourned


Greyhound Racing NSW Stewards on Friday 12 June 2015 resumed the inquiry into analysts’ reports that the urine sample taken from Fancy Liza after it won the 2013 Association Cup at Wentworth Park had been found to contain levels of the testosterone metabolite 5B-androstane-3a, 17b-diol at a concentration in excess of 20 ng/ml.

Further submissions were taken from Fancy Liza’s trainer Chris Spratt, who was represented by Murphy’s Lawyers, and from veterinary surgeons Dr Tom Astbury and Peter Yore.

The inquiry is still ongoing, firstly due to delays in accreditation of analytical methods and then further by availability of witnesses and information deemed to be crucial to the defence case.

After considering the evidence at Friday's hearing, stewards charged Mr Spratt with a breach of Gar 83 (2) (b) in relation to presentation of greyhound for a race other than free of any prohibited substance.

Mr Spratt pleaded not guilty to the charge.

Having reGard to the large volume of material submitted on Friday, and Mr Spratt’s plea, the inquiry was adjourned to consider the plea having reGard to all of the submissions put forward on his behalf.