Cowling Disqualified


Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) stewards have completed an inquiry into the nomination and withdrawal of the greyhounds Bagheera’s Icon and Little Denali from the Goulburn meeting held on 17 February 2015 and the Dubbo meeting held on 26 March 2015.

Both greyhounds on these dates were listed as being trained by Brad Cowling.

Evidence during the inquiry was taken from Mr Cowling and his father Phillip Cowling, with written evidence tendered by GRNSW stewards Max Reading and Terry Hynes as well as Jacqui Berrill.

Mr Cowling made full admissions to stewards that he had falsified the four nominations in question and also the four online scratching reasons, stating that at the time both greyhounds had left his kennel and were no longer being trained by him.

Mr Cowling was charged with 11 breaches of the rules.

Four charges related to breaches of Gar 86 (o) in that Mr Cowling’s alleged actions with respect to the nominations of Bagheera’s Icon and Little Denali for the meetings in question were improper.

Four charges related to breaches of Gar 86 (o) in that Mr Cowling’s alleged actions with respect to the withdrawal of Bagheera’s Icon and Little Denali for the meetings in question were improper

One charge related to a breach of Gar 86 (e) in that he failed to produce telephone records to the inquiry despite being directed by stewards to do so.

One charge related to a breach of Gar 86 (x) in that he made a false statement to GRNSW steward Richard Zogbee on course at Goulburn 17 February 2015 when questioned as to the scratching reason for Bagheera’s Icon

One charge related to a breach of Gar 86 (n) in that he counselled Ms Berrill to commit a breach of the rules.

Mr Cowling pleaded guilty to all 11 charges.

Mr Cowling was disqualified for six months for each breach of Gar 86 (o) in reGards to nominations. Each of these penalties is to be served concurrently.

Mr Cowling was disqualified for six months for each breach of Gar 86 (o) in reGards to withdrawals. Each of these penalties is to be served concurrently, however, cumulatively with the other disqualification period under Gar 86 (o).

Mr Cowling was disqualified for four months for the breach of Gar 86 (e). This penalty is to be served cumulatively.

Mr Cowling was disqualified for six months for the breach of Gar 86 (x). This penalty is to be served cumulatively.

Mr Cowling was disqualified for 12 months for the breach of Gar 86 (n). This penalty is to be served cumulatively.

In total, Mr Cowling is disqualified for two years and ten months.

In determining penalty, stewards took into consideration Mr Cowling’s guilty pleas, his contrition for his actions, his personal circumstances, the deceitful nature of his conduct, the TAB status of the meetings in question and the potential loss of industry revenue as a consequence of his actions, zero tolerance for false and misleading statements compromising stewards in the performance of their duties, and the deterrence factor for like-minded participants.

Mr Cowling was advised of his right of appeal.