Opening of Special Commission of Inquiry Announced

The Special Commission of Inquiry into the Greyhound Racing Industry in NSW has announced it will conduct its Formal Opening on Wednesday 10 June 2015 in Sydney.

The Formal Opening will be held in courtroom 3.3 of the Industrial Relations Commission building, 47 Bridge St, Sydney.

The Special Commission of Inquiry, headed by the Honourable Michael McHugh AC QC, was announced by the Deputy Premier and Minister for Racing, Troy Grant on 4 March 2015 to investigate and report on governance, integrity and animal welfare issues relating to the greyhound racing industry in NSW.

Revised Terms of Reference for the Commission have also been issued.

In summary, under the Terms of Reference the Commissioner will:

• Identify issues relating to the governance, integrity and animal welfare standards of the industry in NSW;
• Review and evaluate:
    o the existing legislative framework, policy and practices in NSW for the greyhound racing industry;
    o best practices currently employed in NSW and other jurisdictions in relation to the governance of the industry and contemporary standards relating to the welfare of greyhounds;
• Identify contemporary best practice for adoption by the industry;
• Develop an improved model of governance of the industry.

The Commissioner will also consider whether or not any issues identified relating to the governance, integrity and animal welfare standards can be appropriately addressed to permit the continuation of a greyhound racing industry in NSW that is sustainable and provides an ongoing economic and social contribution to the State.

The Commissioner has encouraged people and organisations who may have relevant information to come forward.

GRNSW urges anyone who may have information around welfare, integrity and governance issues or views around potential opportunities to improve practices and sustainably of greyhound racing in NSW to contact the Commission and make themselves available to participate in the Inquiry

GRNSW recognises this is an important turning point for the sport and participants and other stakeholders have a unique opportunity to contribute to deliberations around potential future approaches to the structure and oversight of the sport.

Persons who may have relevant information can, in the first instance, contact Commission personnel by phone (02) 8224 5300 or email

As part of the Commission, the Commissioner is reviewing the published submissions made to the 2014 Legislative Council Select Committee on Greyhound Racing in NSW and those submitted to the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing for the current five year statutory review of the Greyhound Racing Act 2009.

Additional submissions should be made in writing and lodged with the Commission by 4pm Wednesday 24 June 2015.

Further information on the Commission, including the complete Terms of Reference, can be found at the Commissions website

The Commission is completely independent of Greyhound Racing NSW.