A Message From Paul Newson

Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) would like to update Industry participants and stakeholders about the positive steps being taken to deliver improved welfare, integrity and governance outcomes. GRNSW is striving to overcome the immediate challenges facing the Industry while engaging with some of the Strategic challenges to ensure it can steer the future direction of the sport and secure a sustainable and vibrant future for greyhound racing in NSW.

Independent review of best practice greyhound training methodologies
On 2 April GRNSW issued a request for proposal to review, identify and recommend best practice greyhound rearing, socialisation, education and training methods. This important piece of work will assist GRNSW to develop improved guidance and training material for the Industry and assist with the development of future policy initiatives. GRNSW is leading this piece of work and will collaborate with partner controlling bodies to ensure the review report promotes best practice and opportunity for greater consistency across the jurisdictions.

Further information is available here.

Beware of the greyhound: big hearted, shows fierce loyalty and will steal your heart
GRNSW has published a 10-minute documentary to help dispel misconceptions around the greyhound breed and promote greyhounds as the perfect urban pet. GRNSW launched an advertising campaign and is considering further promotional opportunities.

GRNSW encourages all Industry participants and stakeholders to view the documentary and promote it amongst their networks. You can view the documentary by clicking here.

Greyhounds As Pets program
GRNSW operates its Greyhounds As Pets (GAP) program, which has successfully re-homed 175 greyhounds since the start of 2014. While GAP achieves great outcomes for many greyhounds that participate in the program, more needs to be done. While future policy initiatives will need to impose greater responsibility on owners to achieve lifelong welfare outcomes for all greyhounds, the immediate need is to enhance welfare outcomes achieved by GAP.

GRNSW is currently reviewing GAP, including benchmarking the program against the equivalent offering in Victoria, to understand how to enhance the program in an efficient and effective manner, secure improved capacity and strive to deliver a significant increase in the number of greyhounds that are successfully rehomed as urban pets.

Inquiries are also being undertaken to explore opportunities to achieve more adoptions through third party animal welfare organisations already operating in this space.

Strategic">Strategic direction
GRNSW is developing its submission to the Special Commission of Inquiry into the Greyhound Racing Industry in NSW which will include its proposed future Strategic approach. While the challenges facing the Industry are significant, the time is right to confront chronic welfare and sustainability issues such as over breeding, the number of race clubs across the state and the adequacy of facilities going forward.

Tackling these difficult issues and making some hard choices will not only contribute to achieving a sustainable Industry, it will also assist in attracting new participants and promote greyhound racing as a vibrant and growing Industry which makes a significant economic and social contribution to NSW.

Industry">Industry supervision
GRNSW is developing a new Industry Supervision Strategy that will describe its move to an intelligence led and risk based compliance approach with a clearer focus on outcomes and performance monitoring to improve accountability.

GRNSW will also be commencing a number of new compliance roles to assist implementation of its new strategy which will improve awareness and guidance activities while targeting more serious failures or misconduct for escalating enforcement action including referral to other regulatory authorities where appropriate. GRNSW anticipates publishing its revised Industry Supervision Strategy by July 2015.

Former NSW Police Deputy Commissioner David Madden continues to provide independent investigation support to GRNSW and is reviewing the existing drug testing program to identify opportunities for potential improvements.

Finish on lure
Recent discussions with partner controlling bodies and Greyhounds Australasia have identified a commitment to explore the merits of the finish on lure. GRNSW acknowledges there is conjecture around the benefits such as reduced fail to chase incidents, and more information is necessary around its potential impact on marring and injury rates. Some jurisdictions have substantial experience with the finish on lure and others are participating in trials.

GRNSW is supportive of a trial and will work with partner controlling bodies to better understand the range of contemporary lures available and potential enhancements to tracks that will deliver improved safety and welfare outcomes.

Submission to Special Commission of Inquiry">Inquiry
The Special Commission of Inquiry into the Greyhound Racing Industry in New South Wales (Inquiry) has its own website at Inquiry.justice.nsw.gov.au">http://www.greyhoundracingInquiry.justice.nsw.gov.au

You are encouraged to familiarise yourself with the work of the Inquiry and make a submission should you wish to contribute to the future direction of the sport in NSW. The Inquiry website refers to submissions being invited until 4.00 pm on 22 May 2015.

You may contact the Inquiry at:

Phone: 02 8224 5300

Email: sigri@cso.nsw.gov.au

Keinbah Inquiry">Inquiry
GRNSW has initiated an Inquiry into alleged incidents associated with the Keinbah Trial Track. The purpose of the Inquiry is to hear from witnesses and ensure all available evidence is obtained regarding what incidents are alleged to have occurred at the property and what further action, if any, may be appropriate by GRNSW or relevant authorities.

I urge anyone who may have evidence of animal cruelty or integrity concerns in the NSW greyhound racing Industry, including any evidence of mistreatment of animals or misconduct, to contact the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Hotline on 1800 680 174 or visit www.greyhoundwelfare.com.au.

Paul Newson
Chief Executive
Greyhound Racing NSW