Grading Policy Review Announced


Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) is calling for participant feedback as part of the review of the current NSW Grading Policy.

The current version of the Grading Policy was put together in 2013 and was based significantly around the feedback received from the industry and its participants following both written submissions and consultative sessions.

This consultative phase of the review will take place between 22 April 2015 and 30 June 2015 and will look at several aspects of the Grading Policy.

During this period, all participants in NSW are invited to provide their feedback and suggestions on the Grading Policy and what improvements may need to be made to ensure it achieves its ultimate aim of competitive racing.

While participants will be invited to contribute via written submissions, there will also be an opportunity for them to provide their feedback face-to-face at dedicated grading forums, which will be held by the GRNSW Racing Department across NSW during the consultative phase.

Dates, times and locations for the forums will be made available shortly on this website.

Written feedback and suggestions are to be provided via the feedback form, which can be downloaded here.

All completed feedback forms must be received by Greyhound Racing NSW by the close of business on Tuesday 30 June 2015.