Van Gestel Disqualified


Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) stewards have completed inquiries into analysts' reports that the urine sample taken from Britt's Pick after that greyhound won Race 2 at the Richmond meeting on 24 September 2014 had been analysed and confirmed to contain the prohibited substance 6-alpha-hydroxystanozolol.

Evidence was taken from trainer Paul Van Gestel and from Australian Racing Forensic Laboratory (ARFL) Science Manager Dr Adam Cawley. Written evidence was submitted from ARFL Senior Veterinarian Dr Craig Suann, the ARFL, Racing Analytical Services VIC, Britt's Pick's trainer Mr Van Gestel and GRNSW.

Mr Van Gestel produced a report from his veterinary surgeon that stated Britt's Pick had been administered a 5 ml dose of Stanozol in order to assist with recovery from injury and acidosis some 34 days prior to the race.

The advice included an expectation that no substance would be found in a sample taken from the greyhound after 10 days. This dose however is in excess of three times the recommended dose and that which was used in studies conducted by analytical laboratories in Queensland and NSW, published in 2009.

Mr Van Gestel subsequently pleaded guilty to a charge under Gar 83 (2) (a) in that he presented Britt's Pick for the race in question other than free of any prohibited substance in that the urine sample taken from the greyhound after the race was found on confirmatory analysis to have contained 6-alpha-hydroxystanozolol.

Following submissions on penalty, Mr Van Gestel was disqualified for a period of four months, concluding at midnight on 1 July 2015.

In assessing penalty consideration was given to Mr Van Gestel's previously unblemished record of having no similar breach during 20 years of registration, his guilty plea, the comparatively low level of the substance reported in the sample, a reasonably high number of cleared samples taken during his tenure as a trainer, and his hobbyist status.Some consideration was also given to what appeared to be very ill considered veterinary advice.

Notwithstanding that advice it is considered that reports such as these have an adverse effect on the image of greyhound racing. GRNSW stewards are of the view that trainers cannot hide behind veterinary advice as a shield from investigation and the penalties imposed for such reports of steroid findings in greyhounds have almost invariably resulted in periods of disqualification from the industry.

Britt's Pick was disqualified from the event on 24 September 2014 and the placings amended accordingly. The greyhound was also disqualified from the final of the subsequent event on 1 October 2014, where it placed sixth. Mr Van Gestel has appealed the decision.