Bozovitch Fined


Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) stewards have finalised an inquiry into an incident that occurred at the meeting conducted at Wentworth Park on 19 December 2014.

Evidence was taken from GRNSW Steward Norm Becroft, licensed trainer Leon Bozovitch and Veterinary Surgeon Paul Rowland. During the course of evidence it was established that Mr Bozovitch had failed the direction of a steward and had engaged in behaviour that constituted misconduct.

Mr Bozovitch pleaded not guilty to two charges, one charge under Gar 86 (p) in that he failed a direction when being directed to re-kennel his greyhound. The second charge under Gar 86 (o) for misconduct, when throwing his license on the ground, speaking in a raised manner and hand gestures towards Mr Becroft. Both incidents took place after the running of race 10 at Wentworth Park on 19 December 2014.

After taking further submissions, Mr Bozovitch was formally found guilty under Gar 86 (p) and Gar 86 (o).

After consideration, Mr Bozovitch was fined the sum of $200 under Gar 86 (o) and fined the sum of $500 under Gar 86 (p). Acting under Gar 95 (3), Mr Leon Bozovitch’s $500 fine was suspended on the provision he does not re-offend within 12 months.

In determining penalty, stewards took into consideration Mr Bozovitch’s not guilty pleas and his good record of having been licensed for more than 40 years with no prior offences under any rule.

Stewards also took into account previous penalties for offences of similar nature, the need for the penalty to reflect some form of deterrence and the effect that such incidents have on the image of greyhound racing.

Mr Bozovitch was advised of his right of appeal.